For School Counselors
For School Counselors
As a school counselor guiding students through the college selection process, you may find the following information on Queens University of Charlotte helpful.
We know finding the right college can be a difficult process for students, and we recognize the important role counselors play in that process. We have compiled pertinent facts, figures, and information to make sure you have all the information you need about Queens, where we are guided by our motto, “not to be served, but to serve.”
Queens at a Glance
A collection of infographics that introduce Queens University at a glance, including information on its academics, student body, campus life, athletics, study abroad experience and internship program.
Admissions Process
A rundown of the application process, including deadlines, requirements, and median test scores for applicants.
First Destination Report
Check out our First Destination Report, showcasing the multitude of top organizations where our highly sought-after graduates have landed after graduation.