Gift Planning
Gift Planning
Thelma Albright Legacy Society
We recognize all Queens planned gift donors by honoring Professor Emerita and former Dean of Students, Thelma Albright. Though Ms. Albright passed in 2000, her six-decade impact on Queens was undeniable and is still felt today. She was recognized with the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award, an Honorary Alumna award, the naming of Albright Residence Hall, and an Honorary Doctorate degree. The Albright Legacy Society reflects Thelma Albright’s devotion to Queens as well as her role in developing minds and character, just as planned gifts will do for decades to come.
Notifying Queens of Your Bequest Intention
We would like the opportunity to discuss, thank, and recognize your intention to leave a bequest to Queens. Please complete our intent form to share your plans as well as your desired purpose for the impact that you would like your planned gift to make at Queens.
By including Queens in your estate plans, you are powerfully embodying our motto – non Ministrari, sed Ministrare – ‘not to be served, but to serve’. Your gift ensures that the Queens experience will be available to students we serve well into the future.
“Decisions related to our bequests and planned giving are the truest form of expressing what or who has mattered in our lives by choosing to make an impact well beyond our lifetime.”
– Adelaide Anderson Davis ‘61
Contact Us
Questions about leaving a legacy at Queens?
Lesley Bynum Swartz ‘87
Senior Advancement Officer