The Connected Campus 2024
The Connected Campus 2024
For the People: Democracy in Conversation
Join us this fall for “The Connected Campus” – a brand new creative ecosystem of events at the Gambrell Center that explore perspectives on democracy and encourage us all to take a deep dive into the founding principles of our country. Events include concerts, lectures, panel discussions, art exhibitions, and maybe some cake! Most events are free. We hope to see you at the Gambrell Center this fall!
Testament of Freedom
As World War II came to an end, composer Randall Thompson honored Thomas Jefferson and his writings by creating a choral work that rallied great national pride at a time of world conflict.
Art, Design & Music Program | Free

Voices of Democracy: Exploring the Ideal
Through diverse perspectives and historical contexts, unravel the essence of democracy as a defining aspect of identity. Gallery opening is September 15 at 3:00 p.m.
Art, Design & Music Program | Free

Wordwall: On Democracy
Campus and Community are invited to share what democracy means to them by posting it on a word wall in Gambrell lobby.
DICE Program | Free

Trax on the Trail: Music on the Campaign Trail
Dr. Dana Gorzelany-Mostak explores the intersection of music and politics in American culture in her lecture on American
presidential campaign music and how music constructs the identity of the U.S. presidency.
Art, Design & Music Program | Free

Design for Democracy Popup Gallery
AIGA’s nation-wide ‘Get Out the Vote’ initiative believes good design makes your electorial choices clear. View nonpartisan posters that encourage the American public to participate in the electoral process.
Art, Design & Music Program | Free

Makin’ Cake with Dasha Kelly Hamilton
Part history lesson, part social science revelation, Wisconsin Poet Laureate Dasha Kelly Hamilton delivers a multi-media stage production where baking becomes an exploration of equity, class, and race.
Gambrell Center & League of Women Voters | Tickets $15-$35

How to Know a Person: Bringing Humanity Back from the Brink with David Brooks
Based on his bestselling book, “How to Know a Person,” this talk is a guide to becoming a better person, living a more connected life, and repairing our torn social fabric.

Election Roundtable
Sept. 26 – U.S. Foreign Policy and the 2024 Election
Oct. 10 – Identities, Issues, and Influence: Social Groups at the Ballot Box
Oct. 24 – Election Update: NC and the National Election
Political Science & Sociology Program | Free

The Connected Campus convenes at the Gambrell Center. Collaborative partners include the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Bechtler Museum, Charlotte Lit, Harvey B. Gantt Center, Independent Picture House, Infusion Fund and its generous donors, League of Women Voters, Theatre Charlotte, The Carter Center, WFAE, and the Queens Departments of Art/Design/Music, Community Engagement, DICE, English & Writing Studies, Greenspon Center, Knight School of Communication, Learning Society, Political Science & Sociology, and The Gambrell Center for the Arts and Civic Engagement.