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Heidi Giffin, M.A.

Instructor, English
English Department, College of Arts & Sciences

Professional Resources


Heidi Giffin has been teaching since 2004 and has been teaching in higher education since 2010. At Queens, she primarily teaches in the First Year Writing and Honors programs. She has also co-led a JBIP trip to Greece. Her special areas of interest include rhetoric, gender roles, sustainability, religious pluralism, and digital literacies. She has collaborated with colleagues across the university to research and publish on pedagogy and reflective practices. An important part of her teaching philosophy includes participating in professional development on and utilizing ungrading practices in the classroom. One of her favorite things about working with first-year students is helping them not only understand the role of rhetoric and become more confident writers, but seeing them become increasingly more independent and at-home in the world through their shared college experiences.


M.A., Rhetoric, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
M.A., Teaching, Queens University of Charlotte
B.A., English and Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill