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Julie Funderburk, M.F.A.

Associate Professor, Creative Writing
English Department, College of Arts & Sciences

Professional Resources


Julie Funderburk teaches courses in creative writing, poetry, and first-year writing. She loves to guide students through the processes of creativity and writing, empowering them through the stages that allow for discovery. Through the English Department’s Seelbinder Literary Arts Series, she shapes opportunities for students to learn directly from distinguished visiting writers and scholars.

She is the author of The Door that Always Opens (LSU Press) and Thoughts to Fold into Birds (Unicorn Press). Her poems have been anthologized in Verse Daily and Best New Poets and appear in journals such as The Southern Review, Ecotone, Pleiades, Cave Wall, and Ploughshares. She has been awarded fellowships from the North Carolina Arts Council and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and a scholarship from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.


M.F.A., Creative Writing, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
B.A., English, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill