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Linda Pastryk, Ph.D.

Adjunct Instructor, Art History
Art, Design & Music Department, College of Arts & Sciences

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Dr. Linda Pastryk teaches art history courses in Western and Non-Western art and architecture, which include visits to museums, historic homes, churches, gardens, temples, and other sites, as well as lectures by subject experts on a variety of topics. She also teaches a General Education class on sustainability and the arts and architecture.

She has experienced first-hand many of the artifacts and sites around the world, which she teaches, to enhance student comprehension of these topics.

Currently, she is authoring and editing a comprehensive book on global craft and accompanying technologies with Dr. Carol Ventura. Additionally, she is redacting and archiving the personal journals of North Carolina ceramist, Clara “Kitty” Couch.

She is committed to students achieving their professional and personal goals through their art history courses. Hence, the scholarship of teaching and learning in Art History (SoTL-AH) is an abiding interest for her, an area in which she has published.

She considers art history a vital subject as it addresses the values and efforts of human societies. In keeping with the interdisciplinary approach of art history, she earned her doctorate in the Humanities Department. Her dissertation addressed religion versus medical science and the built environment in early modern France.


Ph.D., Humanities, Salve Regina University
M.A., Art History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
B.A., Art History, Vanderbilt University