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Grace Wesoly '21 Hits a Home Run with Job at ESPN

Oct 05, 2022 By Queens University Communications

When it comes to landing a dream job, most have heard the phrase “it’s not what you know, but who you know.” For Grace Wesoly ’21, it was her Queens University of Charlotte education and her Queens connections that helped land her a dream job at ESPN upon graduation.

“Because of the small class sizes at Queens, I definitely felt like I built strong relationships with my professors which makes a huge difference as you head into the workforce after graduation,” said Wesoly, who serves as a digital production assistant at ESPN. “The internship requirement is also an automatic benefit for Queens students because gaining professional experience while in school really gives you a competitive edge when looking for a full-time job.”

Grace Wesoly at ESPN

The Summerfield, N.C. native came to Queens to play softball. She chose to major in Multimedia Storytelling with a double minor in Spanish and Sports Management to ensure she could complete coursework throughout her time on campus that encompassed all of her interests.

“My classes at Queens prepared me so well for the workplace. One of my professors worked with the Carolina Panthers and was able to show us an inside look at the industry,” said Wesoly. “Then, after graduating, I gained tangible experience in my field through a fellowship with the Queens News Service.”

Wesoly’s fellowship with the Queens News Service introduced her to one faculty member and graduate assistant who would enrich her network with the connections needed to land her dream job.

“Bob Page, the professor I worked with as part of my fellowship with the News Service, was a huge part of my experience at Queens,” she said. “He introduced me to my current boss, Joe Menzer, who was getting his Master’s degree at Queens at the time. Joe helped me get my foot in the door by setting up a virtual meeting with his boss at the time which allowed me to get to know key people at ESPN. When they had a job opening a little later, I applied and got the job.”

Since then, Wesoly has sharpened her professional skills as part of a team at ESPN that manages the Southeastern Conference website. Some of her day-to-day responsibilities include producing post-football game recaps and videos, data and analytics reporting, and managing content across the website.