Queens University of Charlotte Recognized as a "Most Engaged Campus" for Student Voting

Queens University of Charlotte has been honored by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) as a 2022 ALL IN Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting recipient. The ALL IN Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting recognizes colleges and universities for making intentional efforts to increase student voter participation. Queens joins a group of 394 colleges and universities recognized by ALL IN for completing these four actions:
- Participate in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge
- Shared 2020 NSLVE Reports with campus voting data with ALL IN
- Developed and submitted a 2022 democratic engagement action plan with ALL IN
- Have a current signatory to ALL IN’s Higher Education Presidents’ Commitment to Full Student Voter Participation.
“It was indeed the great work of our Civic Engagement Fellows, Astrid Bridgwood, JJ McGimsey, and Kennedy Riddick, who worked together to create a democratic engagement action plan and work with several community partners to engage the Queens community, including engaging international students,” said LaDarius Thompson, Ed.D. director of the Center for Academic Community Engagement at Queens. “We are immensely proud of this recognition as it involved a lot of work to break through nationwide voter disenchantment. To see the Queens community come together to put out the vote made me truly proud of our community.”
The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement. Campuses that join the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge complete a set of action items, with the support of ALL IN Challenge staff, to institutionalize nonpartisan civic learning, political engagement, and voter participation on their campus. The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge currently engages over 9 million students from more than 950 institutions in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.