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Sharing Her Story: Author Haley Weaver Returns to Queens

Oct 11, 2024 By Queens University Communications

Charlotte native Haley Weaver recently returned to Queens University to share excerpts from her illustrated memoir, “Give Me Space but Don’t Go Far.” The event, a collaborative effort between departments including Queens Athletics, Student Life, Psychology, and Political Science, drew a diverse crowd of students, faculty, and staff. The National Alliance on Mental Illness in Charlotte (NAMI) hosted a post-event reception.

Weaver’s mother, Kate, a mental health advocate and the executive director of NAMI, warmly welcomed her daughter to the stage. “Mental health affects us all, whether personally or through someone we love,” she said. “Despite its importance, it’s often overlooked or misunderstood. Tonight, we gather to give mental health the attention, space, and time it truly deserves. By creating space for these discussions, we empower others to share their stories. I’m grateful for being at Queens tonight and for Haley’s vulnerability in sharing her own story.”

Author Haley signing books

Weaver’s connection to Queens dates back to her childhood when she attended neighboring Myers Park Elementary School. She fondly recalls performing on the Sandra Levine Theatre stage in recitals and plays. “As a child, I always looked up to Queens,” she reminisced. “The cool college kids would help us with our performances and interact with us on Field Day.”

Queens also provided a much-needed safe space during a difficult time in Weaver’s life. While on medical leave from her college in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, she focused on her mental health recovery at home while taking classes at Queens. “Being able to get better and graduate on time was a blessing,” she said. “The faculty were incredibly supportive. Queens was a bright light in a very dark time.”

Weaver captivated the audience with a compelling reading followed by an interactive student-led discussion exploring themes of mental health, friendship, and self-discovery within her memoir. Reading aloud from her book, Weaver, a former student-athlete herself, shared personal stories of her struggles with sports performance anxiety and the various ways she coped.

Her openness resonated deeply with the students, many of whom face similar challenges. Through her animated characters, she offers a relatable and hopeful portrayal of navigating life’s challenges. “My dream is for this book to be read by college students everywhere,” she shared. “I wish I had read it during my own college years, a time filled with lots of transition and change. I remember those years being very challenging as I tried to discover myself and find my place in my new environment.”

Beyond sharing her personal experiences, Weaver also offered practical advice to the students on prioritizing their mental health and seeking support. Her visit served as a reminder that everyone experiences challenges and that there are resources available to help.

“When I started writing this book, I didn’t intend it to be a memoir. I envisioned it as a comic collection about anxiety,” said Weaver. “But, the more I worked on it, the harder it was for me to tell a story about anxiety without it being my own. I was scared to share so much with the world, but there was no other way to tell it. I’m really glad I did because everyone is going through something, and many people have responded by saying they feel seen and heard through my story.”

After the event, people lined up to have their books signed while taking photos with Weaver. Sharing her story undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the Queens community.

“When I was in college, I remember hearing guest speakers and how inspiring it was when I felt a connection to their stories,” she said. “If I can inspire even one person at Queens with my visit, I’d feel like it was a success.”

Counseling services are available 24/7 for students in need through the Atrium Health Queens University Health & Wellness Center. Weaver’s book, “Give Me Space but Don’t Go Far,” can be purchased at the Queens University Campus Store. Stay connected visit or follow her on Instagram @haleydrewthis. View the recording of Haley’s visit to Queens on YouTube.