Student Compliant
Queens University of Charlotte is committed to providing an educational climate that is conducive to the personal and professional development of each individual. In order to ensure that commitment, the university has developed procedures for students to pursue grievances within the university community, should such action become necessary. A student who has an unresolved disagreement or dissatisfaction with a faculty or staff member, another student, student group or administrator has the right to file a written complaint without prejudicing his or her status with the university.
For additional information about State Authorization Policy, please refer to the State Authorization of Online Program webpage.
A complaint involves a concern, problem, or issue other than a disciplinary measure. (The appropriate response to a disciplinary measure which is deemed unfair or excessive, or dissatisfaction with a grade, or progression, probation, or dismissal from a program, is an appeal, not a complaint. Appeals are made through established university procedures.) Complaints may be academic or non-academic.
An academic complaint may be brought by a student regarding the university’s provision of education and academic services affecting his/her role as a student. Academic grievances can include but are not limited to the following types of allegations: discriminatory action toward students within the classroom by a faculty member, e.g., by singling out specific students for either preferential or adverse treatment; failure of a faculty member to follow university policies in the conduct of classes or examinations; or capricious or unreasonable arbitrary actions by a faculty member that adversely affects student performance. The student must have first attempted to resolve the issue by approaching the faculty member, and then the faculty member’s dean, before filing a written complaint. A non-academic complaint may be brought by a student regarding a disagreement or unresolved dissatisfaction with a faculty or staff member, another student, student group, or administrator. Nonacademic grievances can include but are not limited to the following types of allegations: issues regarding sexual harassment, discrimination, or an alleged infringement upon the rights or sensibilities of an individual by a university employee, student, or student organization. The student must first have attempted to resolve the issue by approaching the person(s) involved, and then the appropriate dean or supervisor, before filing a written complaint.
Disability Discrimination
Any student who believes that a university employee has discriminated against him/her due to a disability should file a grievance with the Manager of Student Disability Services within ten days from the date of the alleged incident. For the complete process and policy information see the Student Disability Services page on the website.
The student is encouraged to attempt to resolve all grievances at the lowest possible level. The student should first discuss the problem or complaint with the person whose decision or action is being contested and then with the person’s dean or supervisor. If the grievance cannot be resolved at that level, the student can submit a formal complaint in writing. A complaint must be based on a claimed violation of a university rule or policy that has not been resolved through ordinary processes.
Any student who brings a complaint has the burden of proof and must provide documentation and evidence to support the allegation. A complaint should normally be filed within 10 working days of the incident or incidents. (Note: This policy does not limit the University’s right to change rules, policies, or practices.) The student should put his or her grievance in writing according to the following guidelines: What is the grievance? Identify it. What are the grounds for the grievance? Explain the basic justification for it based on a claimed violation of a university rule or policy. How would you like to see it resolved? What do you want done?
For academic grievances (other than disability issues) the student will submit the complaint in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will ensure that the complaint receives a timely response. The student may appeal the response in writing to the President of the University within 10 days. The results of complaints appealed to this level are final and may not be further appealed. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will keep on file a record of each complaint, its nature, and resolution.
Complaints may be submitted to:
Vice President of Academic Affairs, 704-337-2243
1900 Selwyn Ave.
Charlotte, NC 28274
For non-academic grievances (other than disability issues), the student will submit the complaints in writing to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students will ensure that the complaint receives a timely response. A record of each complaint, its nature, and resolution, will be forwarded to the Academic Affairs office. Students in the undergraduate program should also see the online Student Handbook.
North Carolina State Complaint Process
Queens University of Charlotte is committed to providing opportunities for students to share complaints and seek resolution. Students with complaints that have not been resolved through the University’s internal complaint processes may file a complaint with the North Carolina Department of Justice, Consumer Protection Division. For information regarding this process please visit their website.