To review or update your contact information, including your cell phone number for text messages, log into MyAccount using your network username and password and then select the “Update Your Contact Information” link in the middle of the webpage.
Campus Police & Public Safety
Campus Police & Public Safety
Mission Statement
The Queens University of Charlotte Campus Police and Public Safety Department is a fully sworn and highly trained Police Department. Our department is committed to providing a safe, inclusive environment that fosters ethical living and prepares the community for both purposeful and meaningful lives.
Our dedicated and professional department members exhibit ethical decision making, practice Community Policing to build relationships and garner respect, as well as providing an inclusive atmosphere for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Professionalism: We maintain professionalism in our daily actions, behavior, and performance through high standards of training. Keeping abreast of new trends and standards in the field of public safety allows us to exhibit the highest levels of expertise.
Integrity: We are committed to honorable and ethical behavior in our daily interactions within our department and in the community that we serve.
Diversity & Inclusion: We are dedicated to living, as well as succeeding in, an ever-changing world that challenges us to develop both cultural humility and finding common ground with those unlike ourselves.
Accountability: We hold ourselves to the highest standards of accountability, which govern our actions, behaviors, and performance.
Queens Campus Police
All Queens officers are state-certified police officers, who have undergone extensive training and have the same powers as other certified law enforcement officers in the state of North Carolina.
Annual Security Report
Queens University of Charlotte prepares this report annually in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act.
Emergency Information & QAlert
The university’s crisis management team will communicate with members of the campus community in a variety of ways depending on the nature of the incident. Visit our Crime Prevention and Preparedness webpage for more information.
QAlert is the emergency notification system that we use to notify the campus community of an emergency, incident, inclement weather, or class cancellations. Text, phone, and email messages are sent through QAlert about the status of a given situation, as well as other important details.
Students, faculty, and staff are automatically registered for QAlert.
With safety and well-being as our top priority, anyone who wants updates on extreme weather, power outages or other emergency announcements regarding the Queens campus can sign up by texting “QAlerts” to 78015 from their mobile device. For more information, please contact Campus Police Communications at 704-337-2306.
Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence
Queens is committed to maintaining a respectful academic and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This includes having an environment free from unlawful sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence. Learn more about our policy and resources available to students regarding sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence.
Campus Parking
Welcome to Queens University of Charlotte! All vehicles parked on the main campus of Queens must be registered and have a valid parking permit. Get all the details on our Campus parking webpage.
Contact Us
Queens University of Charlotte Campus Police Department
Our office is located right in the heart of campus in Watkins Hall on the Diana Fountain side.
2222 Radcliffe Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28274
704-337-2379 (fax)