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Our Chapters

Queens is home to six sororities, that belong to two inter/national councils: the National Pan-Hellenic Council and the Panhellenic Association. In addition to their individual functions, student representatives of these councils look to collaborate on initiatives and programs designed to enhance the experience of all members of the fraternity and sorority community.

National Pan-Hellenic Council

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. is the first intercollegiate historically African American sorority founded on January 15, 1908, at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. was founded by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle along with other founders with ideas much as hers to have a community for black women to serve others and have a sisterhood amongst adversity. The sorority has been serving all mankind and great sisterhood for 115 years.

  • The first black sorority with the first credit union that’s black owned, women owned, and sorority based called the “For Members Only” credit union.
  • Great focuses within our initiatives such CHIPP and YLI. CHIPP is Childhood Hunger Initiative Power Packs where the sorority packs meals for students in local communities. YLI is Youth Leadership Institute where we provide workshops for the development of the youth.
  • Madam Vice President, Kamala Harris, is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Instagram: @taubeta_1908, @akasorority1908

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was founded January 16th, 1920 on the principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. The Sigma Upsilon Chapter was charted April 18th, 2015 carrying the tradition of being a Zeta and Finer Woman.

Instagram: @queensuzetas, @zphibinc1920

Alpha Kappa Alpha sisters
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Zeta Phi Beta sisters
Zeta Phi Beta

National Panhellenic Conference

The Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi is a sisterhood of friends, a family of individuals, and a home away from home. We embrace every woman’s uniqueness, we encourage and support each other’s goals and dreams, and we value character above all else. Our chapter at Queen University of Charlotte was founded in 1931 and since then we have grown into an organization that provides our members leadership opportunities, scholarship/academic support, social events, and philanthropic service to our international charity partner, the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Every day “We Live For Each Other” and for Alpha Delta Pi by focuses on four diamond points Sisterhood, Service, Scholarship and Self.

Instagram: @adpiqueens

TikTok: @adpiqueens, @alphadeltapi

Founded in 1895 at the University of Arkansas, Chi Omega is the largest women’s fraternal organization in the world. The Theta Gamma Chapter of Chi Omega at Queens University of Charlotte was founded in 1928. Throughout Chi Omega’s long and proud history, the Fraternity has brought its members unequaled opportunities for personal growth and development. Comprised of empowered and determined women leaders, we are founded upon our six purposes. Those of which include friendship, high standards of personnel, community service, academic excellence, campus involvement, and personal & career development. Our philanthropy is the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and we have raised over $10,000 for our wish kids thus far.

Instagram: @queenschio, @chiomegaxo

Queens Chi Omega website

The Alpha Omicron chapter of Kappa Delta is a source of pure friendship and sisterhood. We strive for what is honorable, beautiful, and highest every day in our communities and beyond. The Alpha Omicron chapter at Queens was founded in 1928 with the goal of creating a strong and long-lasting sisterhood of determined woman. Our philanthropies include Girl Scouts of America and Prevent Child Abuse America, who we volunteer with and fundraise for each year. Our mission is to build confidence in women, build lifelong friendships, encourage leadership, and build responsible and engaged members of the community.

Instagram: @kdqueens, @kappadeltahq

Phi Mu Fraternity was founded in 1852 making it the second oldest sorority in the nation and is dedicated to academic excellence, service to others, continuous excellence, and lifelong friendships. Phi Mu is founded on the three values of Love, Honor, and Truth which feed into and guide the daily lives of their members and service in their communities. Members of Phi Mu are given lifelong support and guidance through weekly programming that leads to professional development, personal growth, and connections beyond the collegiate experience into alumnae chapters and networks. There are dozens of leadership opportunities in Phi Mu to help members grow their skills and feel prepared for the working world outside the collegiate experience, all while being surrounded by a loving chapter that becomes their family and home away from home!

  • Philanthropy: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
  • Colors: Rose and White
  • Open Motto: “Les Soeurs Fideles” or “The Faithful Sisters”

Instagram: @queensphimu, @phimufraternity

Alpha Delta Pi sisters at Ronald McDonald House
Alpha Delta Pi
Chi Omega sisters at cornhole charity event
Chi Omega
Kappa Delta sisters at campus event
Kappa Delta
Phi Mu sisters in lodge
Phi Mu

How to Join

Learn more about joining our community! If you have any questions, please contact the Fraternity and Sorority Life office ( or visit our FAQs page.

Membership to National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) sororities is unique to each individual organization. Traditionally, each chapter hosts an informational program and offers opportunities for interested students to connect with members and learn about the requirements to potential membership.

To express interest in membership in a particular NPHC organization, please contact the collegiate chapter using the following contact information:

Exploring options? Fill out our interest form to receive general information about each of our NPHC sororities at Queens, and visit the chapter websites or socials to learn more.

Joining one of the four National Panhellenic Conference sororities on the Queens campus is a mutual selection process by which sororities recruit new members and introduce them to the responsibilities and opportunities involved with being a sorority woman. The next Primary Recruitment process will occur in-person during the fall 2025 semester.

Interested in joining now? Some of these chapters are participating in Continuous Open Bidding (COB) to invite interested students to join. Be sure to keep up with the chapters on social media and around campus to learn more about joining through COB this semester.

Zeta sisters at event

Have Questions?

Check out our FSL frequently asked questions or email us (

Interested in learning more about our community? Fill out our interest form and our office will provide you with further information about the FSL community at Queens.