Donors and Supporters
Donors and Supporters
International experiences and student support are generously supported through several key gifts and endowments.
John Belk International Program
In 1999 The Belk Foundation, in honor of the late John M. Belk, provided Queens a gift that continues to financially support international experiences for students. The study abroad program at Queens is named The John Belk International Program, known on campus as “JBIP”. The JBIP program provides all full-time undergraduates funding to embark on an international experience before graduation.
The Charles and Jane Hadley International Enrichment Fund
The Charles and Jane Hadley International Enrichment Fund helps the Queens community enhance its global awareness, immersion, understanding and engagement by supporting a variety of cultural learning opportunities. Financial support made possible through the Charles and Jane Hadley International Fund aims to support those who wish for their Queens experience to be enriched through global experiences beyond the classroom, throughout the world.

The fund honors the lives of the Hadleys and is anchored in their belief that our perspectives are shaped, nurtured, and most enriched when experiencing the world through direct interaction with cultures beyond our own.
The Enedina L. Fernandez ’99 Humanitarian Fund
Enedina L Fernandez ’99 had a lifelong commitment to service that inspired the creation of the Enedina L. Fernandez ’99 Humanitarian Fund. Enedina returned to Queens after a full career in nursing to earn a degree in communications and traveled to Costa Rica with Queens. In all her pursuits, Enedina was guided by and projected a steadfast sense of who she was and what she believed, including her faith. She was a woman who lived in service to others, including family, friends and strangers and her compassion drew people to her.

This fund will be her legacy at Queens so that others, specifically international students attending Queens, may have a better opportunity to thrive and succeed when their efforts may otherwise be deterred by critical needs. Support may also be extended to help with an international student’s ability to transition and acclimate to the Queens community, career preparation, and academic success. The Fernandez family hopes that this support will be both beneficial and inspiring in honor of the impact Enedina made through her mentorship, empathy, service, and commitment to the Queens community and beyond.
Jo Dewitt International Adventurer Scholarship
The Jo Dewitt International Adventurer scholarship allows multiple scholarships to be awarded annually to students participating in language immersion, Queens summer programs abroad, and semester- or year-long study abroad programs. This fund rewards those who are actively creating a unique international experience for themselves by extending their travels, undertaking service projects, or getting more closely in touch with the local culture.
Class of ’58 Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor The Class of 1958’s 50th Reunion and in support of John Belk’s generosity to Queens’ International Program. The scholarship is intended to support the international experience of students who demonstrate academic merit and interest in international issues. It is awarded annually to several participants in short-term faculty-led JBIPs.
Elizabeth A. Dalton Scholarship for International Internships
The Elizabeth A. Dalton Scholarship is designed to support students who are completing internships abroad. The scholarship is offered annually to help defray expenses that may not be covered by other funding.
Support International Education at Queens
Learn more about supporting international programs at Queens by emailing the Pulliam Center for International Education ( or making a gift designated for International Education.