Queens Army & Air Force ROTC
Queens Army & Air Force ROTC

Since Queens is a small university, we’ve partnered with UNC Charlotte Army and Air Force ROTCs to be able to offer the program to our Royals.
Queens University of Charlotte, in partnership with the Military Science and Aerospace Studies departments at UNC Charlotte, offers our Royals the chance to become commissioned officers in the United States Army or Air Force while also pursuing a degree at Queens.
ROTC courses may be taken through UNC Charlotte and transferred back to Queens through the Greater Charlotte Consortium. This agreement ensures a seamless transfer of credits and supports progress toward completing the degree.
Additionally, ROTC provides various scholarships and incentives for qualified applicants to help alleviate some of the costs of obtaining an undergraduate or graduate degree.
Important Contacts
Queens – Kazia Stewart, Assistant Registrar, Client Services (stewartk3@queens.edu)
UNC Charlotte Army – Rick Nash, UNC Charlotte Army ROTC Enrollment Officer, (rnash3@uncc.edu, 704-687-8633)
UNC Charlotte Air Force – Air Force ROTC Advisor, (det592@uncc.edu, 704-687-8100)